# # Script to switch Windows Update Service and change WSUS server # Author: LookBack # Date: 2017-05-05_172630 # Clear-Host Write-Host "0 -> 修改Windows更新为系统默认设置(后期将导致系统无法更新)" Write-Host "1 -> 关闭Windows更新和检查更新" Write-Host "2 -> 修改Windows更新为-通知下载并通知安装-使用内网源" Write-Host "3 -> 修改Windows更新为-自动下载并通知安装-使用内网源" Write-Host "4 -> 修改Windows更新为-自动下载并安排安装-使用内网源" Write-Host "按任意键退出..." Write-Host switch(Read-Host "选择Windows更新设置"){ 0 {$UpdateValue = 0} 1 {$UpdateValue = 1} 2 {$UpdateValue = 2} 3 {$UpdateValue = 3} 4 {$UpdateValue = 4} Default{Exit} } $WindowsUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\" $AutoUpdatePath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" function LocalUpdateServer() { Set-ItemProperty -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Name AcceptTrustedPublisherCerts -Value 1 Set-ItemProperty -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Name UpdateServiceUrlAlternate -Value "" Set-ItemProperty -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Name WUServer -Value "" Set-ItemProperty -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Name WUStatusServer -Value "" } If(Test-Path -Path $WindowsUpdatePath) { Remove-Item -Path $WindowsUpdatePath -Recurse } If ($UpdateValue -gt 0) { $null = New-Item -Path $WindowsUpdatePath $null = New-Item -Path $AutoUpdatePath } if ($UpdateValue -gt 1) { Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 0 Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallDay -Value 0 } If ($UpdateValue -eq 1) { Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name NoAutoUpdate -Value 1 } If ($UpdateValue -eq 2) { LocalUpdateServer Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 2 Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3 } If ($UpdateValue -eq 3) { LocalUpdateServer Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 3 Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3 } If ($UpdateValue -eq 4) { $null = LocalUpdateServer Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name AUOptions -Value 4 Set-ItemProperty -Path $AutoUpdatePath -Name ScheduledInstallTime -Value 3 } Write-Host Write-Host '执行完毕,按任意键退出...' Read-Host
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\runas] "HasLUAShield"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Microsoft.PowerShellScript.1\Shell\runas\command] @="powershell.exe \"-Command\" \"if((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & '%1'\""